Agrifort Technologies



TRADE NAME:           SulFort
COMMON NAME:     SulFort 80% WDG

Mode of Action:

SulFort is broad spectrum contact and protective fungicide & miticide. It also provides Sulphur which is essential plant nutrient. Sulfort Insect/Disease Spectrum powdery mildew, scab, leaf spots and all types of mites.


  • SulFort is a dust free, flowablemicronised sulphur granules, ease of measuring & handling.
  • It has instant dispersion and high suspensability in water, therefore it don’t cause scorching.
  • It has triple action as fungicide, micronutrient (SulFort) and miticide.
  • It has sustained action for longer effect.
  • There are no stains on fruits & leaves after spraying, nor do leaves get burnt.


Spectrum Grapes, Mango, Pea, Cow pea, Apple, Cumin etc.


Preparation for Spray Solution:

Spectrum of Action and Suggested Uses:

CROP                                                               PEST                                           SPRAY ( M L /HA)
Grapes                                              Powdery Mildew Bud Mite, Blister Mite                       1.8 – 2.5 kg

Chillies                                                      Powdery Mildew, Mites                                 1.8 – 2.5 kg

Mango                                                          Powdery Mildew                                  1.8 – 2.5 kg

Apple                                                            Powdery Mildew                                  1.8 – 2.5 kg

Peas/Beans                                            Powdery Mildew Bud Mite,                     P. Mildew/Leaf Spots

Blister Mite                                                 Rust/Red spider mite


User friendly product.
SulFort has controlled particle size (1 – 8 micron). Multiple site action (Plant nutrient, Fungicide, Acaricide).
Increasing crop yields and continued use of S free fertilizers are magnifying S deficiencies.

In India the importance of Sulphur as plant nutrient is recognized in Oilseeds, Pulses, Cereals like paddy, Wheat & maize, in fruit crops like Grapes, Chikoo, Mango, Apple, Ber, Citrus and Plantations and in spices as well.

Used In Following Countries



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